Triangulaid's Philosophy:
"Enjoy yourself, discover YOUR own Natural Movement !"
Bill OWENS, a PGA UK Golf Professional and Founder of the Triangulaid concept in 1991, decided with the help of Stéphane Bachoz, to take advantage of the long years he’d spent playing traditional golf to come up with a less academic approach based on a totally Natural movement.
Stéphane BACHOZ, in charge of coaching TRIANGULAID in Europe and France at Villiers-sur-Marne (94) and Noisy-le-Roi (78), offers a different approach in function to each individual, which will enable you to address the different moves and quickly progress on the course. With the intention of optimising YOUR potential, he gives a new take on the game encouraging the enjoyment of playing in the most Natural way.
The originality of TRIANGULAID lies in the coaching method, which is based principally on sensation, balance and coordination. Due to this, it is perfectly complementary with all other methods and allows players to discover their OWN Natural Swing.
"Discover how to become "COMPETENT & UNCONSCIOUS" !"
How it works :
The Triangulaid approach allows for a better apprehension to the 3 sides of golf whilst respecting its true character! The Sport (4 iron - Driver), the Game (PW – iron 5) and the Business (the tricks of the game).
The Sport, the Game and the Business: The key points, click here>>
It is also an original way to develop a Natural movement with strong Technical references.
Thanks to the distinctness of the training it allows you to discover the best way of performing in order to find YOUR movement whilst making you aware of the power of your equipment.
The results vary according to the individual and the level.
Globally, Beginners will appreciate acquiring a flowing and efficient full swing; Experienced players will increase the regularity and consistency of their shots, while Skilled players will discover new tools that will enable them to develop their own way of performing and their skills.
“A Natural Swing”: An original way of training !
A Natural movement is only possible for performing one golf shot :
The Full Swing; only with irons from PW to 5 Iron (Attacking the green: The Game)
The 2 other stages; The Sport (4 iron - Driver) and the Business (the tricks, which allow the pros to win!) obviously require a different Technical and psychological basis.
To achieve the Natural Swing, Bill Owens made the following observation:
Only 70 years ago the equipment was Natural. The clubs were wooden, the grips leather and the balls full of feathers…The player was logically Technical. Today all the Technical is in the material; the clubs are graphite (Nano tech), the oversized heads are in titanium, which offer an alternative:
The player can become Natural and let the technicals of the equipment do all the work (i.e power steering in cars). After making this assessment, it was necessary to find a movement that required no effort. He thus compared the movement to that of walking.
Based on the fact that when walking our arms react to the movement of our feet and not the opposite, it would be sufficient to do the exact same thing in order for the movement (swing) to become Natural !
As soon as you begin to feel the movement coming from your feet, you need to concentrate on your coordination and timing. It corresponds totally to the speed of our pace (like the Pros), quick if you walk quickly or slow if you walk slowly. The speed of the Backswing will be equal to the speed of the Downswing.
Understanding this enables us to develop our slack (the same as for walking), optimise our Sensations, Balance and Coordination and rapidly enable us to build our movement (swing) in a sensational, balanced and coordinated way.
The teaching of Triangulaid is split into 3 successive and complementary stages:
The Full Swing, is performed with Irons to reach the Greens (from PW to 5 iron).
It is OUR favourite domain. Regardless of your level, Triangulaid allows you to discover the pleasure of hitting a good shot, without any physical effort, with a movement just as Natural as the way you walk !
The Objectives: The aim of this first stage of the training is to develop your sensations, balance and coordination. The results will vary according the level of each individual.
Public: All (whatever level)
The short and medium movements needed to approach and put the ball into the hole. This is how the professionals win their tournaments !
Leave some room for Natural! Everything is becoming Technical. Thanks to the experience of its pros, Triangulaid proposes a large scope of training permitting everyone to produce new trajectories and a better contact.
The shots tackled are:
The Putt, short and long
The Chip and roll, The Chip and run (lift)
The lob, short and long
The bunker, short, medium and long
The Objectives:
Beginners: Discover the basics of Putting (to roll the ball into the with precision into the hole), and little rolled and lifted approach strokes.
Experienced Players: Develop your technical understanding in order to better achieve your desired trajectories.
Skilled Players: Put the ball in the hole using the minimum of strokes. Optimise the understanding of the mechanics relative to a specific domain as well as those related to the principal technicals in order to improve the quality of your contact and increase your panel of strokes.
Public: All (adapted to each individual level)
This is mainly the starting stroke. The one which must combine precision with long distance. It necessitates a more important physical engagement and in consequence technical adjustments.
Based on the Full Swing (The GAME), Triangulaid proposes to define more technical parameters so that you use your build without changing the function of your club, with intention that you make the most of your equipment.
The coaching will always be adapted to your natural sport abilities.
The Objectives: Get the ball in play, on the fairway, as far as possible with a maximum of consistency. The coaching will always be adapted to your natural sport abilities. Whatever your level we will address the principal technicals linked to the mechanics which govern the different trajectories of this stroke.
Public: All (adapted to each individual level)